5 Best Workouts to Get Bigger and Rounder Butts

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5 Best Workouts to Get Bigger and Rounder Butts

Want to get perfectly toned, bigger and rounder butts with simple fitness exercises and workouts? We have a list of 5 best and effective workouts to make your butts bigger and rounder in no time. You just need to buy yoga mat to perform these exercises.

Body Weight Squats :

Squats can boost your workout to get bigger and rounder hips in a very short period of time. This is the most simple type of squat and is done with no dumbbells or weights. In this, individual’s own body weight provides resistance against the gravity. This is one of best body exercise without having any access to fitness and gym equipment. In this, you need to stand straight, then lower your body as much as you can by bending your knees and pushing your hips back. Now slowly push back yourself back to same old position. Do this exercise 30-50 times in a day without any break.

Jump Squats :

Jump squats are little intense workout to get round and bigger hips faster. To start with this workout, you need to lower yourself into a squat. Then, jump straight forcefully off the floor and land in the same squat position. Repeat this process 15-20 times to increase your hip muscle grow faster.

Heel Raises :

This is one of the best exercises to perfectly shape your hips in round. Take the baby crawling position on the floor on your hands and knees. Drive one of the heel of your foot as high as you can by maintaining the 90 degree angle at your knee. Take a second to flex your butt muscles as you exhale. Then, bring your knee back down on floor. Repeat this process over the other knee as well. Perform this exercise 3-5 minutes for developing a rounder and wider butt.

Leg Raises :

This is an excellent exercise to target your interior hip flexors. Again take your baby crawling position with your hands and knees on the floor. Drive one of your leg with pointed toes toward the ceiling. Slowly land your leg on the floor and repeat this action 3-5 minutes on both legs. It will help you shape your butts and your thighs effectively.

One Leg Bridges :

Single leg bridges are great for your hips and help in getting sexier legs as well. You can start this by lying on your back and one foot flat on the floor. Raise your glutes up by making your body straight from shoulder to knee and another leg straight up in the air. Flex your glutes and get back to the starting position. Repeat this action 15-20 times on each leg to grow your buttock muscles rapidly.

Want to know about how to get rid of your belly fat? You can navigate to our blog section and check it out.

We hope you got some useful information from this blog. For more intense workout you can buy dumbbells from nearby sport shop and use them while doing squats.

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