Types of Water Filters for Homes

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Types of Water Filters for Homes

Impure water is the cause of many diseases in the present time. Most people are affected by diseases that are caused by the consumption of impure water. There are many types of viruses and bacteria present in the impure and unfiltered water. The growth in illnesses due to impure water consumption is the primary reason for the high demand of water filters and purifiers.

There are a variety of water purifiers available today, both for residential and commercial use. They are equipped with different technologies for different levels of purification. With the availability of these products, people are getting educated about water purifiers and their benefits. Let us explore some common types of water purifiers available in the market.

Ion Exchange Water Purifiers

The ion exchange filters are equipped with a material that can exchange an ion for other as the water passes through it. The exchange of ions will replace calcium or magnesium ions with sodium ions, which cause water hardness. This will cause the water to soften. If its water leaves stains on washed plates, a home may experience hard water. Hard water tends to build up in pipes, which can reduce the life of certain appliances in the kitchen.

While ion-exchange helps with hard water and some radioactive material, organic material, particles, or bacteria are not removed as effectively as other filtration options.

Activated Carbon Filter

The activated carbon filters consist of fine carbon powder held in a carbon block. These filters are highly effective in removing chlorine and its odor, chemicals, and contaminants from water. The activated carbon also reduces contaminants like lead, microscopic cysts, and volatile organic compounds from water. The high porosity powder enables the filter to adsorb all the contaminants from water and prevent the water from channeling.

The activated carbon filters are affordable, and they remove most contaminants from water. They are best for people who want a water purifier at affordable prices. Carbon filters are highly effective in removing the taste and odor of chlorine.

Activated Alumina Water Filters

Activated alumina is manufactured from aluminum oxide, the same material as sapphire and ruby, without the impurities of coloring. The aim of using activated alumina in filters is to eliminate arsenic, fluoride, and selenium from the water and make it fit for drinking. With many pores on its surface, alumina can eliminate upto 99 % of fluoride concentrations in water.

Mechanical Filters

Mechanical filters are most commonly used as a method of pre-filtration. Water flows through a mechanical filter, and waste material gets trapped in pads, nylon floss, or synthetic foam. For example, the filter can trap the plant material, waste and leftover fish-food, in a fish tank, but does not trap the beneficial bacteria that is good for fish.

Reverse Osmosis Filters

Most of the home water purifiers available in the markets work on the principle of reverse osmosis. In the process of reverse osmosis, the water molecules pass through a semipermeable membrane. The pore size of the membrane is 0.0001 microns that can filter 99% of the contaminants. The process also removes microorganisms like viruses and bacteria.

To keep the RO membrane clean and make it last longer, the accumulated pollutants on the membrane surface are flushed away to drain as brine (wastewater). The filtered drinkable water is then stored for subsequent use in a pressurized water tank. These filters are best for homeowners who want an advanced water purifier at a reasonable price.

Ultra Violet Filters

UV filters are an environment friendly alternative, UV filters can clean water using ultra violet light of different frequencies. The UV radiation destroys both bacteria and viruses, thereby sanitizing drinking water very effectively.

It is important to remember that UV filters only extract water from bacteria and viruses. So, it is important to use this filter in combination with other filter forms to eliminate common pollutants such as chlorine, lead, and pesticides, leaving you with safe, drinking water.

Ceramic Filters

These are the most affordable options available in the water purifiers. Ceramic filters are made of ceramic, which holds several small pores. With water flowing through the filter, anything bigger than the size of the pore is placed outside. Ceramic water filters are sometimes treated with silver to kill bacteria and to prevent the water from molding and algae. As the ceramic filters don’t require any electricity, they are affordable and highly effective in eliminating the bacterial and protozoa from water.

Final words

These are the most common types of water purifiers available today. Most of these water filters are used in homes and offices. The modern water filters like hydrotap that also boils and cools the water in addition to purifying it. As people are learning about these products, they are using advanced purifiers to make the drinking water the purest for their health.

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