Success rate of IVF and more on it

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Success rate of IVF and more on it

IVF is a common word nowadays and everyone is familiar with it. As you all know that it is a process to conceive through artificial fertilisation of the eggs and sperms in a petridish. Special kind of environment is created for the fertilisation to take place. Usually several eggs are allowed to fuse with the sperms to result in one or more embryos. This is done so that you get the healthiest embryo which can be placed inside the uterus. Not every egg that fuses turns out to be healthy and that is why this needs to be done.


Not you might be thinking as how this is possible to produce more eggs when our body gives just one egg every month. This is done with the help of the drugs that stimulates and results in more production of the eggs. These eggs are then retrieved for the fertilisation. For retrieving the sperms too, a process is followed or you can say that masturbation is done for the same. So this is how the retrieval process is carried out in both the cases and fertilisation is done.


Success rate of IVF

Though there are a lot of things that influence the rate of success but the most important being how the cycle is carried out. As per the recent researches it has been found that success rate is high in more attempts of the IVF cycles. This means that one might not get success in the very first cycle but if you go for few more attempts there are high chances that you will be successful. But despite everything, it is your doctor who can better tell you about the success rate of IVF and whether it is meant for you or not.


As the doctor is well familiar with your case, they will be able to guide you in a proper way as how the treatment will work for you, its cost, risks factor associated and lots more. That is why it becomes all the more necessary to get in touch with a specialist who has years of experience dealing with such couples. Only then you will be able to look forward to better outcomes of the IVF process and see it working in your case.


If you are looking for a trusted name, go in for Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour who is the best specialist in this field. Dealing with a number of infertile couples, she has made a difference too many lives by assisting in IVF. For more information, you can check out the Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour Reviews where you see how the couples have praised the expert, shared their experiences and how they have found the treatment really helpful for them. The reviews can be checked through Google or there are other sources too available. The reviews will give you a better idea as how the doctor goes about and is a trusted option for all the couples.


So start a new chapter of your life with IVF and enjoy parenthood soon.

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