Sound artists and corporate world

Once I was scrolling my news feed on Facebook, and I came across one famous video of sound artists. They were creating sounds of rolling stones, water waves crashing against boat and punches and waterfalls, etc. I became curious and opened YouTube. I searched for related videos and I came across some more interesting videos.

The sound artists are the real talent of the country. They are the one giving musical affects to the movie. Imagine you watching a movie. Series of pictures moving on-screen but no sound, will it be interesting?

Yeah, I guess your answer would be NO. So the soothing sound effects are the one given by pool of talent – Sound artists. They give sound effects so perfectly that now we have habit of guessing that a particular prop has particular sound. When we go for holiday or near waterfall, we expect to sound it like a certain way.

So I contacted my senior and asked why we cannot merge that with business. He was confused. So I explained that how about when instead of videos we create audios. All the companies have explainer videos, let us create audio. When we send an E-mail to our clients, we could attach an audio describing out services in various fields.

If we have client for videography we use the sound of flash of camera or reels. If we have client for tours and travels, we use waterfall sound or airport. Similarly, if we have clients dealing with law, we could mix up sounds of court room.

This different approach has been immense success because people may ignore videos but if they have video, they will never ignore. The sounds have immense impact on the mind of human and they are attracted towards it.

Also, we experimented, installing different sounds to the apps created by us and our growth rate of apps download increased by 40%. We asked sound artists to record certain soothing sounds for our apps that will match its feature. We installed it and told our staff to download and experience. The staff complained about some bugs. After repairing of some bugs, our staff tried that app again and it became a success too.

In the race of gaining popularity, we often do what has already been done. We forget to try something different and new, that’s where we lack.  Tell your digital agencies to look into the matter and try something different. But if you feel scared to nervous to try, contact NSquareIT .


Article by: Kalgee Shah
