Musician become neglected after progress on the internet

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Musician become neglected after progress on the internet

Everyone knows that the person who works for make music is the musician. They get their life hood from music. After making music and songs they are selling them on market as music. Or they earn from the concert. Overall everything comes from music. But now they are neglected. But it is not directed. The thing I want to mean is that musician are not unable to make enough money from music. Behind the vulgarism, there is a big contribution to the internet are exist.

How musician are neglected after improvement of internet

At the present time internet are cover the whole world. There is no other part of the world what is now out of internet coverage. You can find out everything like movie, songs or images at fully free. In fact, it is easy to collect from the internet. But before internet become popular, people went shopping and buy CD of songs after paying money. This is a costly and time wasting matter at a time. But this way musician was able to make money.
After rising the era of internet, people now stop to go shop and buy CD. If they think to collect a song, they just go to google and make a search about this topic. Finally, they songs download from the internet. This is now much easier and faster. In fact, people also think that it is the pretty much smarter way than buying CD. Over the day musician is unable to make proper money after giving proper afford. This is why most of songs writer and music composer are not stopped to making new and good songs.
The matter now works in every country like a vulgarism. After publishing any catchy or good songs, people does not buy those songs. They try to download those file from internet. There are the lot of musician in India who left the music profession just because they were not able to make enough money to lead their life.

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