iPhone 5 Insurance: What are your Options?

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iPhone 5 Insurance: What are your Options?

iPhone 5 is an expensive gadget. A selected few can afford to possess such a coveted piece of technological marvel. Hence, it is very important for all the iPhone 5 owners to keep a good insurance coverage policy should their gadget gets stolen or damaged in an unfortunate event.

This is will be all the more important for people who have the habit of losing their belongings every now and then. Apart from that, iPhone 5 hardware are quite expensive too. Cell phone insurance policies come with a starting price tag of $200. However, the price is subject to change over a 2-year contract with a carrier. In case of loss or severe damage to the gadget, iPhone owners will have to pay somewhere around $650 for a replacement.

As a result, they can go through the following article for all the options they have in order to insure their iPhone 5 against theft, loss, damage, and so on.

Insurance policies at hand

Here are some of the most reliable and popular insurance policies iPhone 5 owners can opt for:

  1. Coverage from AT&T – iPhone 5 owners can opt for AT&T’s Mobile Insurance Plan at a price of $6.99/month. This insurance policy will provide compensation to the buyers in case of loss, theft, or damage to the iPhone 5. People will be replaced with a new phone the very next day, but they need to cough up another $199 for the same.
  2. Coverage from Apple – People will have to pay a single fee of $99 in order to buy the Apple Care+ insurance policy. It is a 2-year plan and will cover 2 instances of reckless usage. So, in case of a damage, Apple will do all the repair work for free or replace the damaged one with a fresh new iPhone 5.

In addition to the above, there are other iPhone insurance providers like Verizon, SquareTrade, Worth Ave etc, from whom people may get their iPhone 5 insured.

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