A Guide to Picking Fire Pits

High Quality Packaging Solution
March 14, 2019
A Guide to Picking Fire Pits
March 15, 2019

A Guide to Picking Fire Pits


When considering which kind of firepit to purchase, you’re going to want to consider some factors such as the various types, fuel required, and size. Where are you going to be using your firepit and are you going to use it to keep warm, roast marshmallows, or for ambiance? If you’re not concerned regarding the heat you may wish to consider a propane firepit.


Gas Fire Pits


Gas fire pits are ideal for accentuating an outdoor area. Propane will burn the cleanest and there isn’t any smoke and you can regulate the amount of heat from the propane tank. This is vital if you’re in a smaller sized area or if you’re near something flammable. You also won’t want smoke from a wood burning fire pit to waft into your house. Propane fire pits can also offer you some colored fire glass that will give you a fun ambiance to your area. Natural gas is also available for many gas fire pits and you’ll want to make sure that a professional installs such units.


Fire Pit Tables


Heat from a natural gas or from a propane fire pit isn’t as much as from a wood burning fire pit. Be mindful that these are different from patio heaters in that they will have a shield to keep the heat down in the fire pit itself. Remember that wind may also affect the area and can carry embers off which may ignite a fire. Gas fire pits have a BTU rating that helps you to determine how much heat it will put out.


When you position gas propane fire pits, keep in mind that you’ll want to know the manufacturer’s recommendations for how close to other items is can be. Keep your distance from structures, your wood, and other things that may be flammable. The general rule is to place such items no closer than 15 feet from any house structure. If space is an issue, consider a different unit that will fit your area more safely. This may be an infrared heating unit or something. Remember too that enclosed areas such as pagodas may not have the proper parameters for air circulation. Never operate such units indoors where they won’t have proper ventilation.


Consider round fire pits that are often seen at a campground. There are various types of gas fire pits that are styled like this and they are easy to operate. You can also find these as a tabletop unit. There are various styles and sizes and you can often match them to your decor. May tabletop models have an under the table tank so it’s not in the way or seen to disrupt the ambiance. They come in different glass colors and decors so it’s super easy to mix and match your decor. You can also do most of these as a do it yourself unit so that you are the one that does all the installation. This can save you a lot of money in the long run since you don’t have to worry about hiring a professional to install the unit. You simply place it on the table and secure the tank and you’re all set to use it. Since it’s portable, you can move it around your yard, patio or take it with you if you go camping or something. There are numerous sorts of outdoor fireplace and firepits – so take your time and choose carefully.


Finally, you’re going to want to consider your budget. Most models are priced between $400 and $600 with some more, and some less. You may be able to find some on sale or take advantage of a great deal so watch for deals especially during clearance seasons. Fire pits can turn your yard into a fun area and they can make it more exciting to invite friends and family over any time of the year. Just remember the safety tips and follow them.


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