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The process of tendering can be tasking, especially for fresh bidders without experience. Worst of all, if you are then not successful after all the hard work, it can be frustrating and demotivate you from attempting to respond to other tender opportunities.

Successful tender applications are mostly due to experience in the art of writing tenders effectively. However, as a fresh bidder, if you can take your time and find out all necessary information prior to application, you give yourself a better chance at succeeding. Below are a few thing that fresh bidders must do while writing tenders.

Understand the requirements

Before you do anything, be certain that you understand exactly what is involved. What standards do you need to meet? What legislation impacts on the work? Where does this work fit into the overall business process? Finally, what do you know about the client and their work? By answering these questions you will know whether you can, in fact, perform every aspect of the job, under the set conditions and on time. If you can’t, then knowing this will have saved you the considerable effort of submitting a tender response for a job which you, in reality, can’t compete on.

Answer the questions and address all the criteria

No matter how irrelevant it might seem, make sure you reply to every single question. Follow them through in their set order so that you know you’ve covered them all, and so the people making the final decision can follow your structure, too. You will automatically have (potentially vital) points deducted for failing to answer every question. In particular, address all of the criteria. It’s this information that forms the basis of the decision. Don’t just tell them that you meet the criteria; give examples showing how you meet them.

Tailor your service to meet the specific requirements of the brief

You may offer a wide range of services but if some of them aren’t relevant to the brief, don’t include them. If you really want the job, the best way to win it is to tailor your service to suit the client. Show why you are different by touching on each area of the client’s need and demonstrating your clear understanding of what they want and the way the client will benefit.

Tell them why they should choose you

When you look back over the tender response, if all you can see is “we can do this” and “we can do that,” you have not created a compelling case for your selection. Everyone who responds to this tender will say the same thing.  You can distinguish yourself by telling them exactly how you will meet their needs. Talk about the processes you use and the special skills or experience you have. Remember the “What’s in it for me” question. Show the client how THEY will benefit from choosing your service over any other. If you can answer that you are on your way to truly connecting with the client.


Of course, it goes without saying that you will show your professionalism by submitting your document to the right place and on time. All of your documentation will be complete, all questions answered and all documents signed. This will give them a great first impression of you and your business which will become even better when they see the wonderful tender document you have submitted.

And lastly, when it comes to tenders, prevention is far more effective than cure. Tenders take a lot of effort and time. Make sure you don’t waste it by misunderstanding the requirements. If you are not sure, don’t worry or take any chances. Remember you can always call an experienced provider to get advice.

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