What are the causes of Acid Reflux?

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What are the causes of Acid Reflux?

The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) gets closed after the passage of food. If LES is not properly closed or gets opened quite often, the acids produced in the stomach moves up to the esophagus. As a result, you will suffer from heart burn.

Some of the acid reflux causes include intake of snacks before going to bed, consuming onions, chocolate, citrus, fatty foods, tomato, and mint. You may also suffer from acid reflux if you lie down after intake of a large meal.

Other causes of acid reflux include bending over the waist after intake of a heavy meal, excessive weight, being pregnant, smoking, intake of carbonated drinks and certain medications etc.

Acid Reflux Treatment

One of the best natural ways to treat acid reflux is through making lifestyle changes. You need to prevent intake of foods that trigger stomach acids production. If you are suffering from acid reflux, it is suggested to avoid foods like peppermint, mint, greasy or fried foods, spicy foods, chocolates, onions, and garlic.

Consume Small Meals Three to Four Times Daily

You should avoid large meals and instead consume small meals daily three to four times. It promotes digestion and prevents the buildup of excessive stomach acids.  It is suggested to consume foods before 4 to 5 hours of going to bed.

Extra weight puts pressure on the esophagus and causes acid reflux. Therefore, regular exercises and proper diet help to get rid of acid reflux naturally.

You should prevent intake of caffeinated beverages and alcohol. Caffeine and alcohol loosen the sphincter and allows flow of stomach acids backward causing acid reflux. Therefore, you should avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages at bed time. You should also quit smoking.

The internal organs get compressed if you wear tight clothes. It prevents your digestion. Therefore, it is suggested to wear loose garments to promotes digestion and prevent acid reflux.

Ginger offers the best acid reflux treatment. It has anti-inflammatory properties to get rid of gastrointestinal problems and heart burn etc. You can make ginger tea and drink daily to treat acid reflux naturally.

Whole grains like Oatmeal is rich in fiber. Oatmeal absorbs the stomach acids and relieves you from heart burn. You can also include whole grain rice and whole grain bread in your daily diet.

It is also suggested consuming foods low in fat to prevent acid reflux. So, you can include fish, turkey, chicken, and seafood in your daily diet.

You can include pears, bananas, melons and apples in your daily diet. It is also advised to try foods like egg whites, sunflower oil, flaxseeds, walnuts, avocados, sesame oil and olive oil to reduce GERD.

You can also try over the counter medicines to treat acid reflux and stay relaxed at home. You can try to use H2-receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors. However, you may suffer from side effects of OTCs. Therefore, it is suggested to make use of natural remedies to get rid of acid reflux without any additional spending and stay relaxed.


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