Brief introduction to Laravel PHP Framework for Web Application Development

Laravel is an open Source framework for web application development It will save a lot time if anyone planning to develop a website from scratch. It has been designed to improve the quality of software by reducing both the cost of initial development and ongoing maintenance costs, and to improve the experience of working with applications by providing clear expressive syntax and a core set of functionalities that will save hours of implementation time. It also prevents the various attacks that can take place on websites hence it provides good security too.

With the ever-changing market demand and trends, business is looking for a more personalised web development according to their needs. PHP – a server-side scripting language, is one of the essential parts of web development and is used as a most important programming language. PHP frameworks enable to build outstanding and complex web applications. With the flexibility in terms of design and functionality, PHP Development has become the need of the hours since they provide wonderful results.
Laravel is an MVC Web Application Development framework written in PHP. Laravel was designed with the philosophy of using convention over configuration. This means that it makes intelligent assumptions about what you’re trying to accomplish so that in most situations you’ll be able to accomplish your goals with much less code. Laravel has been designed to target the sweet-spot between minimalism and functionality. Laravel is all about implementing solutions in a way that is clean, simple, and elegant as It’s easier to understand smaller code bases.

Undoubtedly, PHP Laravel framework continues to be as an inherently fast, exceptionally efficient and one of the most reliable web application frameworks when it comes to building a solid, maintainable platform using structured code. The reason behind the immense popularity of Laravel Web Development lies in its quick loading time, eloquent ORM, unit testing, Object Oriented libraries, cashing, great security and extensive MVC support. Besides this, some of the exclusive features like reverse routing, easy bundle use and Restful resource controllers make it a platform of choice amongst clients desiring to test out rapid application development for their new projects.
As an outstanding & leading Laravel Web Development Company, Kunsh Technologies possesses a skilled team of laravel developers who’re perfectly well versed in Laravel web development. With the help of this rapid application development framework, we’ve helped many small scale & large-scale businesses so far in implementing Laravel web development solutions successfully.

Kunsh Technologies believes in flowing with the time and create ideas that make technology easier by shaping your idea and design the application as your business requirements. We build custom websites that carry our mark of excellence and are in complete sync with your business. Entrust us with web application development for feature-packed and high performance online businesses. We deliver responsive and cross-platform web applications that enhance the reach of your business as we have the perfect solution for you demanding by an internal business portal or a web portal.

PHP Laravel Framework features are as follows:

Quick loading

The PHP Laravel framework loads in seconds. Startup errors are extremely rare for this framework. Vagrant modules consist of simple file sets that work effectively on all operating systems. The PHP Laravel framework also allows you to set a function very quickly.
Eloquent ORM (object-relational mapping)
The Laravel framework offers the Eloquent ORM which includes a simple PHP Active Record implementation. It allows web application developers to issue database queries with PHP syntax rather than writing SQL code. Each table in the database has a corresponding template through which the developer interacts with said table. An ORM is relatively faster than any other PHP framework.


The PHP Laravel web application development framework is capable of running many tests to ensure that new changes made by programmers do not unexpectedly break anything in the web application. Generally, Laravel is considered to have stable releases in the industry as it is aware of known failures. On top of that, it’s easy to write unit tests for your own code.

Libraries & Modular

Laravel is also popular because of its object-oriented libraries as well as many other pre-installed libraries. These pre-installed libraries are not in any other PHP framework. One of the preinstalled libraries is an easy-to-implement authentication library with many features, such as active user verification, Bcrypt hashing, password reset, Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection, and encryption. In addition, this framework is divided into individual modules that embrace modern PHP principles that enable developers to create responsive, modular, and practical Web applications.


is extremely important in web application development: developers know it, and people around the world are beginning to understand its importance in a fluid user experience. So, of course, everyone will want to include caching in their application. Laravel has two famous cached back-ends called Memcached and Redis, but these are not the only options provided by the Framework.


Laravel offers a built-in command-line tool known as Artisan that allows you to do most of these tedious and repetitive programming tasks that many developers avoid doing manually. These craftsmen can also be used to create the database structure, a skeleton code, and build their migration that becomes quite easy to manage database system. In addition, it can be interlaced to generate the base MVC files immediately via the command line and manage these resources and their respective configurations. Artisan even helps developers create their own commands and do practical things with them.


Application security is one of the most important concerns in web application development. When developing an application, each programmer must use effective means to secure it. Laravel takes care of the security of the Web application in his own setting. It uses a hashed and salted password, which means that the password will never be saved as plain text in a database. It also uses “Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm” to generate an encrypted representation of a password. In addition, this PHP Web development framework uses prepared SQL statements that make injection attacks unimaginable.
