10 Ways to Build a Brand for Your Small Business

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10 Ways to Build a Brand for Your Small Business

If you think that branding is a problem only big companies need to worry about, think again. Small businesses need branding just as much as large corporations, if not more. The truth is that branding is essential for any business because a strong brand equals better profit margins for any commercial outfits. Here are some ways small businesses should brand themselves.

  1. Start by Defining your Brand

In simple terms, this means that you should know your place as far as your market niche is concerned. From there, you can understand what your clients need, what they care about. Generally, defining your brand will help you know the emotional connections consumers have to the products or services your business offers. This information should prove invaluable as you build a strong brand. Basically, your brand should give you an edge in the market in addition to helping you connect with your customers.


  1. Be Innovative, Bold, and Daring

Playing it safe when branding your business is not always a good idea. Of course, you should not go over the top and distract your target market from the fact that you are trying to build a credible brand. So, don’t settle for spreading out your logo through every conventional method you can think of. Inundating people with your brand name will not have as good an effect as arousing organic interest in your brand through bold and creative branding channels. While at it, be bold and demonstrate that you are ready to stand for what you believe, it will make people more interested in your brand, and if you execute this tactic properly, your business will earn itself a huge market following.


  1. Don’t try to Mimic Big Brands

It is far to easy to fall into the trap of doing what industry bigwigs are doing.

After all, they rely on branding more than small businesses do. But that is not a mistake you should make. Try to do your own thing, consumers are really into that because they feel more inclined to support independent businesses. Towering faceless corporations don’t inspire this reaction, and your branding should capitalize on this fact. Authenticity goes a long way nowadays, and trying to create the impression that you are independent can earn you lots of points in this regard.


  1. Have Good Products and Services

Ultimately, however good your branding campaign, it is the good product that will prove you are as good as you claim to be. People like to rave about how much they got more than they expected after being enticed to try a particular brand. So, make sure that your products and services are at least as good as the ads claim they are, if not better. If people love your products and services, they will love your brand too; and help you spread the word through their testimonials.


  1. Consider Print Advertising

Sure, print advertising is not what it used to be in the past. Today, people think branding should be more engaging, giving rewards in small bits to keep them interested. But that is not to say print advertising has no place in your branding campaign. So, make sure that printed objects with your logo on it are used to give your brand more exposure. Fortunately, the cost of making bulk print advertising material is much lower due to digital printing, and small companies can easily handle these costs. So, consider giving your clients USBs, pens, notebooks, keyrings, and other give-aways that will give your brand a constant presence in their lives. Viable quantities have come way down thanks to digital printing, so you can spoil your selected customers with something that doesn’t disappear with a ‘click!

1. Catalogues & flyers 62%
2. TV 52%
3. Press 40%
4. Radio 32%
5. Personalised direct mail 29%
6. Email 25%
7. Outdoor 23%
8. Social media 17%
9. Online 12%
10. Telemarketing 4%

  1. Invest in PR

The media does not focus on big multinational corporations nowadays. Consequently, you need to think of ways you will portray yourself in the media when they come calling after your brand name gets out there. Whether it be on TV, radio, or other forms of media, you need to prove to your customers that you have their interests at heart and that you are providing good quality products and services unlike anything else the market has to offer.


  1. Make Your Customers your Brand Ambassadors

If you want your brand to really succeed, you need to offer value to your customers. That means going the extra mile to ensure that your clients get what they want. With this in mind, you should be concerned about the quality of relationships you have with your customers. Happy customers who feel that you cater to their needs on a personal level will promote your brand to their peers in ways more convincing that any mainstream branding channels can.


  1. Be Memorable

As you brand, be sure to use a name people can easily remember. When people think of the products or services you offer, your brand should immediately come to mind. In cases where your name is hard to remember, clients will just end up promoting rivals with more memorable names.


  1. Make the Right First Impression

You have to make a good first impression as you market your brand. So, your website, your branding messages, and everything your customers will come into contact with as a representation of your brand should pain the right picture about what your brand is about. So, before you launch your branding campaign, make sure all is in order so that you don’t make your potential clients dislike your brand as soon as they have known it. First impressions tend to last, and customers who are not happy about your services early enough might never consider your brand worth a thought in future.


  1. Be Interesting

It is easy to bore your audience to death with your branding message, especially when you decide to go all out and advertise through every channel at your disposal. While there is nothing wrong with pulling all the stops as you market your brand, try to be a little more interesting. Don’t use the same message over and over again – change things up a bit. This way, your clients will not have negative reactions whenever an ad about your brand pops up.



Yes, small businesses need branding as well. In fact, the results of their branding efforts might be more apparent than would be the case for larger corporations. Above are some interesting and effective ways small businesses can brand themselves.




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